We like to share the Essence of Tantra
with you

What & Why Somakunda?

What & Why Somakunda? What is Shaktipat?

The name SOMAKUNDA is our “new” and shining beacon of light.

SOMAKUNDA stands for the divine force of the Kundalini energy that assists us in the psychosomatic transformations of all our inferior bodies towards ascension.

All we go through in healing and transformations has a psychosomatic origin and meaning.

In these hectic and chaotic times, it is so important to relax and find peace of mind – feeling good and be happy. 

Feeling that your life has a deeper meaning in a pleasant way and that you take care of your happiness and wellbeing.

We invite you to join us and move forward into the person that you really are, a person filled with happiness and joy, a being of light and love.

In our SOMAKUNDA seminars we emphasize on The Essence of Tantra through different pillars in the tantric way of life, experiences and transformations that will change your life as never before.

What is Shaktipat?

What happens during a Shaktipat ceremony?

Shaktipat is a Sanskrit word, formed by two separate words. ‘Shakti’ meaning the sacred energy of love and light and the word ‘pat’ which means to fall.

The Shaktipat ceremony or massage is the transmission of ecstatic energy from one person to another without physical contact between these persons.

Tantric body de-armoring is so needed to get rid of old layers of pain and old wounds that no longer serve you.

The connection with your inner child where tantric play acts as the gentle healer and opens a perfect gateway towards a playful and sacred higher sexuality.

Tantric breathing as a gateway towards your higher spiritual frequencies.

Tantric ceremonies to heal and restore your connection with your 4 lower and 3 higher spiritual bodies, opening a pathway towards ascension.

Last but not least the connection with your astral guidance welcoming you home through invocations, channelings and meditations.

Join us for a life changing experience.


Lucas & Mariu

Who are we?

Lucas Callebaut

Tantric & Taoist holistic healer and teacher for over 30 years. Inspiring and connecting people with their true essence.

Who am I? – Lucas Callebaut – Born in Belgium.

Already as a child Tantra intrigued me (not knowing that it was called like that).

Taoist and Tantra practitioner for many years, sharing and teaching these loving energies at soul level.

We all have different paths but at the end we have the same goal which is ascension.
As soon as I realized in my heart that Tantra is ascension in its essence, I felt a deep happiness walking this path and sharing it with all.

I travelled this beautiful planet for more than 20 years, learning and enjoying many teachings from different tantric practitioners.
Lately I went deeper into the essence of exchanging energies and high vibrational frequencies, the shaktipat massage and full body ecstasy
Finding new and more powerful ways to guide and raise these loving and ecstatic vibrations through breath, eyes and hands.

Connecting with nature and blessing beautiful Mother Earth, form other parts of my tantric path.

I was trained and inspired by many tantric masters. To name a few that have been very important to me, I’d like to thank:

S. Chang
M. Chia
M. Anand
C. Muir
K. Zwakhoven
M. Kali Griks
A. Barnes

Last but not least I would like to thank my higher guidance for their inspirations and divine channeling.


Holistic Center

Mirador de Pataura

It is a pleasure to present our new Tantric and Taoist Holistic Center in Motril-Andalusia, southern Spain.

It is called, The Mirador of Pataura 
(referring to its original Arab roots)

The Center is situated in the heart of the Costa Tropical with spectacular views towards the sea and Africa.
Describing this paradise is like entering the Garden of Eden.
The estate has an abundancy of exotic flowers, colors, smells without forgetting the plantations of mango, avocado, papaya, guayaba, carambola and more subtropical fruits.
Eagles and falcons control the sky. Wild boar, foxes and mountain goats are spotted in the surrounding nature.
The house itself is an oasis of peace and has many morish features.  The entrance of the house gives tribute to its Arab roots with a patio and peaceful fountain.  You are welcome to explore cozy corners, the most incredible panoramas and of course your comfortable bedrooms.
The house itself has its own water well. Drinking water is coming directly from the mountain.
The swimming pool offers again fantastic views towards the Mediterranean Sea.

Our cook provides us with daily delicious and vegetarian meals.

All meals will be served in the garden, next to the large pool or (if weather not permitting) inside the spacious dining area.
Tantric and Taoist ceremonies will be held in ‘La Sala’, a private room for enjoying the highest vibrational experience.

Taoist and Tantric food
in Mirador de Pataura

We would also like to give some more details about the food and our inhouse cook Pamela.

She is a chef (and a Nutritional Therapist) with more than 30 years of experience in the kitchen. Specializing in Vegan, Gluten free, Sugar free and Dairy free food. She developed herb tasteful dishes because of her own personal health journey and curiosity in discovering new tastes.

During your retreat she will be serving a myriad of delicious alternatives to some of your favorite international dishes with organically and biodynamic ingredients.

She says that eating this way keeps the doctor away and makes her feel great. Pamela will also serve taoist and tantric based dishes that not only form part of this incredible workshop but will give it a gastronomic experience at the same time.


The whole area of the estate vibrates a special frequency because it is situated on a key point, the so called leylines that cover our beautiful planet.

Granada is for many one of the most beautiful cities in Spain.
It stands out for:

Its natural enclave, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada (with the highest peak in the Iberian Peninsula and one of the purest mineral water on the planet).

Its fascinating, open and welcoming people, a mixture of many cultures.

The cultural offer.

His academic activity at the University of Granada,
one of the most important in the country.

Granada is a receiving nucleus of tourism, due to its monuments and the proximity of its professional ski resort, as well as the historical area known as La Alpujarra, and also to the part of the Granada coast known as Costa Tropical.
Among its historical buildings, the Alhambra (Andalusian palace) is one of the most important monuments in the country, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984, next to the Generalife garden and the Albaicín.

As a historical note, the Nasrid kingdom of Granada was the last Muslim state on the Iberian Peninsula, the ancient al-Andalus. The city of Granada preserves the magic of Arab tales.

Why not combine this course with an unforgettable visit to Granada? And why not try a winter wonderland high in the Sierra Nevada?

Watch the full video of the “Mirador de Pataura” here.

Taoist-Tantric Seminars

Conscious and Loving Relationships in Tantra


All your relationships are a perfect mirror, showing you who and what you really are in this moment.

Do you want to change those toxic and dense relationship into bliss.

Do you want to enjoy a happy and harmonious lifestyle and leave behind the chaotic relationships in and around you?

Join us, in this seminar we will step into a higher vibration, a vibration of tantric joy and pleasure that shows you what you really are, a perfect being of abundance and love.

You deserve only the very best.
Come and step into your true power.

Join us for this 3-day seminar where you will discover the most tender and loving part of Tantra. How to give and receive the fantastic endorphin massage. Taoist ceremonies that will harmonise the relationship within you and all the persons that surround you. We will also give you a tantric ‘tool box’ that can be used daily in order to transform your day to day life in harmony and joy. We will also celebrate the essence of Tantra and the shivapat massage, full body bliss without physical contact. Introducing, with the help of your inner child, the tantric dearmoring in a playful way to transform old wounds into a new relationship with yourself and all the persons that surround you.

Tantra is above all cerebrating life in the most relaxing way, making you feel good. It is a discovery of loving senses and new sensations that make you feel happy.  We are going to please ourselves, our 7 energetic bodies in the most tantric way.
Last but not least we also invite you for a gastronomical discovery with the exquisite meals prepared by our inhouse cook Pamela.

The following teachings will be shared:

You will discover different tantric massage techniques that give your body renewed energy and make it shine.
The tantric endorphin massage where bliss takes over your entire body. 
The tantric & Taoist ceremonies where the playfulness will bring so much joy into your life.
All These massage techniques are also an intimate and very sensitive way of letting go of the old and no longer useful energies and dive into the new and higher vibrations.
Chakras will be empowered and aligned through these different Shiva & Shakti ceremonies. 
We will enjoy the tantric breathing ceremony where your inner force and power will guide you into a state a bliss.
It is so important to get to know your inner child better and learn from him/her. In Tantra it is vital playing with and embracing your inner child, that part of you that is authentic and curious to enjoy and share the playfulness. 
You will enjoy the bodywork and the Shivapat tantra Massage. This full body ecstasy massage is shared in the highest vibrations and frequencies and done without physical contact.
De-armor your body. In this seminar we will introduce the de-armoring of our physical and emotional bodies. You will learn how to give and receive a de-armoring.
Almost everybody has blockages in their physical, mental and emotional bodies. The de-armoring techniques are essential and one of the most powerful tools to liberate you from these old and toxic emotional blockages. These blockages are created by old wounds, frustrations and fear. They make life hard and sad. The de-armoring ceremonies can liberate you and take away so much weight from your shoulders, from your heart. 

These intimate ceremonies will be celebrated in the most respectful and loving way. We will create a space filled with freedom and unconditional love.
All ceremonies are inviting you to tune into your playfulness, and
therefore, live your day-to-day life with more joy and happiness.
Join us for this life changing experience.
You are all very welcome. To share and to experience what you really are.
A Being of pure light and love.


March 21st till 23rd, 2025

3 days all inclusive
Early bird reservation till February 17th: 390 Euro
Reservations after February 17th : 490 Euro

Request booking & ask questions:

Our 7 Energetic Bodies -
A Tantric Discovery


During this tantric seminar (teacher training) we are going to get to know and discover our different energetic bodies, heal them, play with them and make them shine even brighter.

Most people identify themselves with their physical body only and are not aware that we are beings of light with seven different bodies, 4 lower and 3 higher energetic bodies.

Join us for an amazing discovery of what your really are, what your true potential in life is, how wonderful you are. This seminar will be a profound healing and will also expand your consciousness in the most surprising way.

We will take you on a journey full of adventures and tantric discoveries.

We invite you to celebrate and enjoy one of the most powerful tantric healing seminars of your physical, etheric, astral and mental body to live a happy and joyful life filled with ecstasy.

We dive into and connect ourselves with our superior light bodies.These bodies are immortal and perfect at all times. We create a safe and loving space to celebrate the vibrations and our fusion with these divine energies in different tantric ceremonies.

During this seminar the following teachings will be shared:

How to feel and interact with your 7 energetic bodies and live a happy and fulfilling lifestyle. We all deserve to live with bliss and endless abundance.To feel the ecstasy in all our bodies and express these divine feelings in everything that we do, in everybody that we meet.

How to raise our consciousness, mental harmony and physical health through meditations and intimate ceremonies, becoming aware of your true potential as the perfect woman/man that you are and always have been.

De armoring our 4 lower energetic bodies

One of the most important pillars that hold the essence of tantra is the de-armoring ceremony. We all have suffered emotional, mental of physical abuse during our childhood or any other period in our life.  That is also the main reason why we keep so much frustration and pain hidden in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.  Moreover, these painful energies are taking over our day-to-day life since they are most of the time unconscious. These energetic blockages are like layers of armor that keep life energies from flowing freely and abundant.

We all deserve to live a happy lifestyle, feeling good in our body and mind, enjoying life to the fullest and embrace the joy that we are. Therefore, it is so important to clean, to transform these destructive energies that make us suffer, that make life difficult and unpleasant. 

The Shaktipat and Shivapat Massages.

How to move (sexual) energy without touching the physical body and enjoy full body extasy.

You will learn how to feel, work with these high vibrations and to guide them thought the body. It is magical to enter this world of pure energy and love that generates ecstasy in the whole body.  You will learn how to guide the Shaktipat energetic waves into the most profound body de-armoring or full body bliss.  In fact, both can happen during the same ceremony.

Empower your life through bodywork, meditations.

Transforming old and dense energies that make your life difficult and painful is one of the key issues in Tantra.

Tuning into your higher guidance.

Being conscious of the presence of the ascended Masters, Archangels, Elohim and Hators in our lives is an important step to let them assist and inspire us in everything that we are and everything that we do.  During this particular and high vibrational seminar they will hold space and facilitate our transformations and guide us on our ecstatic path towards our ascension.

Refine & harmonize your chakras, ecstatic dance.

How to celebrate and enjoy your higher sexuality.

Entering the sexual part of Tantra is opening the door to your most conscious and sacred energies.

The Inner Child.

One of the pillars in Taoist and Tantric wisdom is the relationship that we have with our inner child. The energy that is shared and lived between the inner child and the inner adult is a perfect mirror on how we life our day-to-day life with ourselves, our partner, family and friends.

So many people have NO relationship with their inner child which makes life so complicated and painful.

In this seminar you are going to get to know your inner child very well, removing obstacles and enjoy the beauty and pure happiness of this divine energy. Let’s play.

The Tantric Breath Ceremony.

Learn how to raise your vibrational frequency.

Will be one of the key points during this seminar and forms part of the essence of Tantric Teachings. You will be invited to go deeper throughout every encounter with yourself and all participants. How to tune into these higher vibrations is a process where you will release old histories that no longer serve in order to feel free and flow into these divine energies.

How to live happier and healthier.

Life will never be the same after this residential tantric seminar.

You are all very welcome. To share and to experience what you really are.

A Being of pure light and love 


From 14th till 20th April 2025

7 days all inclusive

Early bird reservation till the March 1st 2025: 1250€
Reservations after March 1st : 1550€


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Full Body Tantric
De-armoring Teacher Training


We invite you to celebrate and enjoy one of the most powerful tantric healing seminars, cleaning and de-armoring of our physical, emotional and mental body to live a happy and joyful life.

One of the most important pillars that hold the essence of tantra is the de-armoring ceremony. We all have suffered emotional, mental of physical abuse during our childhood or any other period in our life.  That is also the main reason why we keep so much frustration and pain hidden in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.  Moreover, these painful energies are taking over our day-to-day life since they are most of the time unconscious. These energetic blockages are like layers of armor that keep life energies from flowing freely and abundant.

We all deserve to live a happy lifestyle, feeling good in our body and mind, enjoying life to the fullest and embrace the joy that we are. Therefore, it is so important to clean, to transform these destructive energies that make us suffer, that make life difficult and unpleasant.

 In this seminar we will emphasize on the full body de-armoring.  At the same time, we combine the shaktipat massage and high frequencies to support the process of transformation and cleansing of our bodies which can result in a full body ecstatic experience.

During this tantric seminar the following teachings will also be shared:

The Shaktipat Massage.

How to move (sexual) energy without touching the physical body and enjoy full body extasy.

You will learn how to feel, work with these high vibrations and to guide them through the body. It is magical to enter this world of pure energy and love that generates ecstasy in the whole body.  You will learn how to guide the Shaktipat energetic waves into the most profound body de-armoring or full body bliss.  In fact, both can happen during the same ceremony.

Empower your life through bodywork, meditations.

Transforming old and dense energies that make your life difficult and painful is one of the key issues in Tantra.

Tantra is finding peace and harmony inside yourself in order to live a harmonious, abundant and joyful life. You will learn how to achieve this abundant and joyful lifestyle through guided and silent meditations. You also learn how to empower your life and connect yourself in a different way with all the persons around you through tantric bodywork.

Tuning into your higher guidance.

Our astral guides will hold space and inspire each and one of us to enter the highest vibrational frequencies.

Refine & harmonize your chakras, ecstatic dance.

Our chakras play a key role to let go of old histories and enjoy the new and bright flows of energy.

Living a more conscious life is being aware of our chakras.  These energetic ‘wheels’ are guiding our bodies into a state of wellbeing, of bliss. They are our connection between our physical and spiritual body and generate a powerful energy.  We will be doing deep energetic bodywork with our chakras and harmonize them.

 How to celebrate and enjoy your higher sexuality.

Entering the sexual part of Tantra is opening the door to your most conscious and sacred energies.

The Inner Child.

One of the pillars in Taoist and Tantric wisdom is the relationship that we have with our inner child. The energy that is shared and lived between the inner child and the inner adult is a perfect mirror on how we life our day-to-day life with ourselves, our partner, family and friends.

So many people have NO relationship with their inner child which makes life so complicated and painful.

In this seminar you are going to get to know your inner child very well, removing obstacles and enjoy the beauty and pure happiness of this divine energy. Let’s play.

De-armor your body.

The essence of this particular course will be the de-armoring of all our lower bodies.

You will learn how to give and receive a full body de-armoring, interior as well as exterior.

These intimate ceremonies will be celebrated in the most respectful and loving way.

We will create a space filled with freedom and unconditional love.

Almost everybody has blockages in their physical, mental and emotional bodies.  The de-armoring techniques are essential and one of the most powerful tools to liberate you from these old and toxic emotional blockages. These blockages are created by old wounds, frustrations and fear. They make life hard and sad. The de-armoring ceremonies can liberate you and take away so much weight from your shoulders, from your heart.  You will also learn how to cut energetic cords with persons and circumstances. Transforming these dense energies into a fresh start, into ecstasy.

The Tantric Breath Ceremony.

You will learn how to breath in a harmonious way that generates more energy throughout your body and mind.  Most people breath very shallow and put their lives on a poisonous diet. This ceremony will teach you how to connect yourself with your core, how to reconnect yourself with the ‘chi’ energy, the divine flow of abundance and love. We will also use the breathing ceremony to tune into our spiritual body and reconnect ourselves with our core.

Learn how to raise your vibrational frequency.

Will be one of the key points during this seminar and forms part of the essence of Tantric Teachings. You will be invited to go deeper throughout every encounter with yourself and all participants. How to tune into these higher vibrations is a process where you will release old histories that no longer serve in order to feel free and flow into these divine energies.

How to live happier and healthier.

Life will never be the same after this residential tantric seminar. 

You are all very welcome. To share and to experience what you really are.

A Being of pure light and love 


From 13th till 19th July, 2025

7 days all inclusive –  Early bird reservation (till June 5th) 1250€
Reservations after June 5th : 1550€

Request booking & ask questions:

The Shaktipat & Shivapat Experience, tantric doorway to healing and bliss


In the Shaktipat massage we guide this energy into an eternal flow of ecstatic pleasure and wellbeing.  Once you have your physical, mental and emotional body liberated in some way from blockages you will be able to experience this unique and unforgettable ceremony of love and light.

Shaktipat is a Sanskrit word, formed by two separate words. ‘Shakti’ meaning the sacred energy of ecstasy, love and light and the word “pat’ which means to fall.

Shaktipat is the transmission of a divine flow of energy (ecstasy) from one person to another without fiscal contact between these persons.  This transmission can be between two persons or an endless amount of people. In countries like India or Indonesia, this transmission of energy was (and still is) like a gift, a present from the Master to his pupil.  The pupil was rewarded with this divine flow of love as a gift on his spiritual path towards enlightenment.

In tantra, which is your path as a being of light towards your ascension, we celebrate ceremonies where this energy flow is guided in a specific direction. This flow of light and love is a sacred transmission and vibration.  Only the highest frequencies are transmitted.  This flow a light will always flow through the chakras.  These energetic centers all over and inside your body play a key role in the Shaktipat ceremony. The chakras are aligned and harmonized is such a way that the energy flowing via the shushumna is intensified throughout your whole body. The unique experience of Shaktipat is the sensation of vibrations and pulsations of energy, often described as a train running up the spine or shushumna, and many times accompanied by transcendent experiences of divine white light, cosmic oceanic unity, and rapturous ecstasy.

In fact, what can happen in a Shaktipat ceremony is an encounter of different  being of lights , a fusion where ecstatic vibrations take over the entire body. Two light bodies will unite in the most divine way into one fusion of light.

In the advanced Shaktipat seminar we will deepen the technique and dive as well into the Shivapat ceremonies.

The following teachings will be shared

Shaktipat Tantric Massage, Full body ecstasy

In the Shaktipat massage we guide this energy into an eternal flow of ecstatic pleasure and wellbeing.  Once you have your physical, mental and emotional body liberated in some way from blockages you will be able to experience this unique and unforgettable ceremony of love and light. As a first experience there can be little physical contact since your body is not used to this no-touch massage. Certain trigger points can be very effective. However, after a while, the shaktipat massage is only performed through ecstatic waves of light and love without any physical contact. 

This feeling state of pure ecstasy can take hours and can also continue days after the ceremony where life transforms itself in pure happiness and joy.

Shaktipat Tantric De-armouring

Many people have layers of protection, obstacles that protect them but at the same time block all energies and therefore cannot feel love flowing through them. This can happen in one particular part of the body and in some cases the complete body will be hold hostage in these old wounds.  Most of the time these blockages are situated in and around the yoni, lingam or anal area. Throat and heart area can also suffer from these emotional blockages.  In the Shaktipat ceremony the divine flow of light is guided towards a specific area in the body so it can liberate, transform this blocked energy into a peaceful and loving flow. Old wounds, frustrations, anger, sexual dysfunction can be healed into a new way of life.  It can also be that the receiver not only heals these old wounds but that he enters in a full body ecstatic experience. That is also the reason why many people feel relieved and reborn after this shaktipat ceremony.

Empower your life through bodywork, meditations.

Transforming old and dense energies that make your life difficult and painful is one of the key issues in Tantra.

Tantra is finding peace and harmony inside yourself in order to live a harmonious, abundant and joyful life. You will learn how to achieve this abundant and joyful lifestyle through guided and silent meditations. You also learn how to empower your life and connect yourself in a different way with all the persons around you through tantric bodywork.

Tuning into your higher guidance.

Our astral guides will hold space and inspire each and one of us to enter the highest vibrational frequencies.

Refine & harmonize your chakras, ecstatic dance.

Our chakras play a key role to let go of old histories and enjoy the new and bright flows of energy.

Living a more conscious life is being aware of our chakras.  These energetic ‘wheels’ are guiding our bodies into a state of wellbeing, of bliss. They are our connection between our physical and spiritual body and generate a powerful energy.  We will be doing deep energetic bodywork with our chakras and harmonize them.

 How to celebrate and enjoy your higher sexuality.

Entering the sexual part of Tantra is opening the door to your most conscious and sacred energies.

The Inner Child.

One of the pillars in Taoist and Tantric wisdom is the relationship that we have with our inner child. The energy that is shared and lived between the inner child and the inner adult is a perfect mirror on how we life our day-to-day life with ourselves, our partner, family and friends.

So many people have NO relationship with their inner child which makes life so complicated and painful.

In this seminar you are going to get to know your inner child very well, removing obstacles and enjoy the beauty and pure happiness of this divine energy. Let’s play.

Learn how to raise your vibrational frequency.

Will be one of the key points during this seminar and forms part of the essence of Tantric Teachings. You will be invited to go deeper throughout every encounter with yourself and all participants. How to tune into these higher vibrations is a process where you will release old histories that no longer serve in order to feel free and flow into these divine energies.

Life will never be the same after this residential tantric seminar.

You are all very welcome. To share and to experience what you really are.

A Being of pure light and love 


From 24 till 30 August, 2025

7 days all inclusive – 

Early bird reservation before July 13th: 1.250€
After July 13th: 1.550€

Request booking & ask questions:

The Essence of Tantra & Shaktipat Weekend EXPERIENCE


A taste of ecstasy where we invite you for a weekend filled with tantric joy, wisdom and Shaktipat playfulness.

In this 3 day retreat we will, in a playful way, discover the most tender and loving part of Tantra.  Celebrating the essence of Tantra and the shaktipat massage as a joyful discovery. 
This romantic workshop calls for singles and couples to enjoy and share a tender love and create a sacred bond within you and all people that surround you.
Tantra is above all celebrating life in the most relaxing way, making you feel good. It is a discovery of loving senses and new sensations that make you feel happy.  We are going to please ourselves, our bodies in the most tantric way.
Last but not least we also invite you for a gastronomical discovery with the exquisite meals prepared by our inhouse cook Pamela.
The following teachings will be shared:
You will discover many tantric massage techniques that give your body renewed energy and make it shine.
We will enjoy the fire breathing ceremony where your inner force and power will guide you into a state of bliss.
The tantric circle massage is a gentle touch where endorphins can take over your entire body. 

The tantric yoga & massage ceremony where the playfulness of yoga will bring so much joy into your life. All These massage techniques are also an intimate and very sensitive way of letting go of the old and no longer useful energies and dive into the new and higher vibrations. Chakras will be empowered and aligned through these different Shiva & Shakti ceremonies. 
It is so important to get to know your inner child better and learn from him/her.
In Tantra it is vital playing with and embracing your inner child, that part of you that is authentic and curious to enjoy and share the playfulness. 
You will enjoy the bodywork and the Shaktipat tantra massage.  This full body ecstasy massage is shared in the highest vibrations and frequencies and done without physical contact.
All ceremonies are inviting you to tune into your playfulness, and therefore, live your day-to-day life with more joy and happiness.
These ceremonies will touch your core, your soul in a very profound and tender
Join us for this lifechanging experience.
You are all very welcome. To share and to experience what you really are.
A Being of pure light and love 

Friday May 26th till Sunday May 28th, 2023

3 days all inclusive –  Early bird reservation (till 5 May) 390€
Reservations after
5th May: 440 Euro

Request booking & ask questions:

The Essence of Tantra & Shaktipat Weekend EXPERIENCE


A taste of ecstasy where we invite you for a weekend filled with tantric joy, wisdom and Shaktipat playfulness.

In this 3 day retreat we will, in a playful way, discover the most tender and loving part of Tantra.  Celebrating the essence of Tantra and the shaktipat massage as a joyful discovery. 
This romantic workshop calls for singles and couples to enjoy and share a tender love and create a sacred bond within you and all people that surround you.
Tantra is above all celebrating life in the most relaxing way, making you feel good. It is a discovery of loving senses and new sensations that make you feel happy.  We are going to please ourselves, our bodies in the most tantric way.
Last but not least we also invite you for a gastronomical discovery with the exquisite meals prepared by our inhouse cook Pamela.
The following teachings will be shared:
You will discover many tantric massage techniques that give your body renewed energy and make it shine.
We will enjoy the fire breathing ceremony where your inner force and power will guide you into a state of bliss.
The tantric circle massage is a gentle touch where endorphins can take over your entire body. 

The tantric yoga & massage ceremony where the playfulness of yoga will bring so much joy into your life. All These massage techniques are also an intimate and very sensitive way of letting go of the old and no longer useful energies and dive into the new and higher vibrations. Chakras will be empowered and aligned through these different Shiva & Shakti ceremonies. 
It is so important to get to know your inner child better and learn from him/her.
In Tantra it is vital playing with and embracing your inner child, that part of you that is authentic and curious to enjoy and share the playfulness. 
You will enjoy the bodywork and the Shaktipat tantra massage.  This full body ecstasy massage is shared in the highest vibrations and frequencies and done without physical contact.
All ceremonies are inviting you to tune into your playfulness, and therefore, live your day-to-day life with more joy and happiness.
These ceremonies will touch your core, your soul in a very profound and tender
Join us for this lifechanging experience.
You are all very welcome. To share and to experience what you really are.
A Being of pure light and love 

Friday May 26th till Sunday May 28th, 2023

3 days all inclusive –  Early bird reservation (till 5 May) 390€
Reservations after
5th May: 440 Euro

Request booking & ask questions:

The Essence of Tantra & Shaktipat EXPERIENCE


A 5-day life changing Experience where we introduce Tantric De-armoring, the Shaktipat Massage and lots of ecstatic joy.

During this tantric seminar the following teachings will be shared:

Empower your life through bodywork and meditations.
Transforming old and dense energies that make your life difficult and painful is one of the key issues in Tantra.

Tantra is finding peace and harmony inside yourself in order to live a harmonious, abundant and joyful life. You will learn how to achieve this abundant and joyful lifestyle through guided and silent meditations. You also learn how to empower your life and connect yourself in a different way with all the persons around you through tantric bodywork.

The Shaktipat Massage.
How to move (sexual) energy without touching the physical body and enjoy full body extasy.
You will learn how to feel, work with these high vibrations and to guide them through the body. It is magical to enter this world of pure energy and love that generates ecstasy in the whole body.

Refine & harmonize your chakras, ecstatic dance.
Our chakras play a key role to let go of old histories and enjoy the new and bright flows of energy. Living a more conscious life is being aware of our chakras.  These energetic ‘wheels’ are guiding our bodies into a state of wellbeing, of bliss. They are our connection between our physical and spiritual body and generate a powerful energy.  We will be doing deep energetic bodywork with our chakras and harmonize them.

Tuning into your higher guidance.
Our astral guides will hold space and inspire each and one of us to enter the highest vibrational frequencies.

How to celebrate and enjoy your higher sexuality.
Entering the sexual part of Tantra is opening the door to your most conscious and sacred energies.

De-armor your body.
In this seminar we will introduce the de-armoring of our physical and emotional bodies. You will learn how to give and receive a de-armoring.

Almost everybody has blockages in their physical, mental and emotional bodies.  The de-armoring techniques are essential and one of the most powerful tools to liberate you from these old and toxic emotional blockages. These blockages are created by old wounds, frustrations and fear. They make life hard and sad. The de-armoring ceremonies can liberate you and take away so much weight from your shoulders, from your heart. 

These intimate ceremonies will be celebrated in the most respectful and loving way. We will create a space filled with freedom and unconditional love.

The Tantric Breath Ceremony.
You will learn how to breath in a harmonious way that generates more energy throughout your body and mind.  Most people breath very shallow and put their lives on a poisonous diet. This ceremony will teach you how to connect yourself with your core, how to reconnect yourself with the ‘chi’ energy, the divine flow of abundance and love. We will also use the breathing ceremony to tune into our spiritual body and reconnect ourselves with our core.

Learn sensual touch and endorphin massage.
In the most playful way, you will learn how to activate your endorphins, your
hormones of happiness and pleasure. These subtle energy flows can be the doorway
to an ecstatic energy flow all over your body.

Learn how to raise your vibrational frequency.
This will be one of the key points during this seminar and forms part of the essence of Tantric Teachings. You will be invited to go deeper throughout every encounter with yourself and all participants. How to tune into these higher vibrations is a process where you will release old histories that no longer serve in order to feel free and flow into these divine energies.

How to live happier and healthier.
Life will never be the same after this residential tantric seminar.

You are all very welcome. To share and to experience what you really are.

A Being of pure light and love 


Wednesday September 6th till Sunday September 10th, 2023

5 days all inclusive – 
Early bird reservation until August 5th – 680€
After August 5th – 750€

Request booking & ask questions:

The Essence of Tantra & Shaktipat Teacher Training


A tantric Shaktipat training and personal life changing journey that will give you the tools to implement tantric wisdom, a wide variety of ceremonies and holistic healing.

During this seminar the following teachings will be shared:

This seminar is for you when you feel the need to deepen Taoist and Tantric wisdom in its most holistic and profound way.
We will celebrate and enjoy sacred ceremonies that will change your life as never before. This seminar is also a necessary tool for those who want to start working or, are already working, as a facilitator and want to broaden their horizon and add new Taoist and tantric tools into their program. We will offer 2 sessions after this seminar through video conferences in order to give you a professional follow up as a Taoist and Tantric facilitator.

The Shaktipat Massage.
How to move (sexual) energy without touching the physical body and enjoy full body extasy.
You will learn how to feel, work with these high vibrations and to guide them thought the body. It is magical to enter this world of pure energy and love that generates ecstasy in the whole body.  You will learn how to guide the Shaktipat energetic waves into the most profound body de-armoring or full body bliss.  In fact, both can happen during the same ceremony.

Empower your life through bodywork, meditations.
Transforming old and dense energies that make your life difficult and painful is one of the key issues in Taoism and Tantra.
It is finding peace and harmony inside yourself in order to live a harmonious, abundant and joyful life.

You will learn how to achieve this abundant and joyful lifestyle
through guided and silent meditations. You also learn how to empower your life and connect yourself in a different way with all the persons around you through Taoist and tantric bodywork.

Tuning into your higher guidance.
We all have divine guidance that protect and guide us through difficult situations and
circumstances. Many times, they inspire us during meditations or in our dreams.
We will connect ourselves in the most loving way in order to raise our vibrations and feel their presence.

The Inner Child.
One of the pillars in Taoist and Tantric wisdom is the relationship that we have with our inner child. The energy that is shared and lived between the inner child and the inner adult is a perfect mirror on how we life our day-to-day life with ourselves, our
partner, family and friends. So many people have NO relationship with their inner child which makes life so complicated and painful.
In this seminar you are going to get to know your inner child very well, removing obstacles and enjoy the beauty and pure happiness of this divine energy. Let’s play.

Refine & harmonize your chakras, ecstatic dance.
Our chakras play a key role to let go of old histories and enjoy the new and bright flows of energy.
Living a more conscious life is being aware of our chakras. These energetic ‘wheels’ are guiding our bodies into a state of wellbeing, of bliss. They are our connection
between our physical and spiritual body and generate a powerful energy. We will be doing deep energetic bodywork with our chakras and harmonize them.

How to celebrate and enjoy your higher sexuality.
Entering the sexual part of Tantra and Tao is opening the door to your most conscious and powerful energies. Opening a doorway towards that intimate part in yourself.
This spiritual- and body-work will guide you to your core and can liberate you from shame and guilt.

Most of the time our unconscious energies are controlling our lives and make it difficult to live our true potential. It is if they are putting out life on hold. Our sexuality is a perfect mirror because it reflects us where we stand in our daily evolution.

We will go deeper into Tao and Tantric sexual wisdom and practice these techniques
with the greatest respect. Entering the magical world of sacred sexuality is discovering
a universe of pleasure, joy and ecstasy.
All ceremonies will be shared within a sacred space filled with respect, freedom and love.

De-armor your body.
Another very important pillar in Tao and Tantric wisdom is the de armoring of all our
lower bodies.
You will learn how to give and receive a full body de-armoring. 
Almost everybody has blockages in their physical, mental and emotional bodies. The de-armoring techniques are essential and one of the most powerful tools to liberate you from these old and toxic emotional blockages. These blockages are created by old wounds, frustrations and fear. They make life hard and sad. The de-armoring ceremonies can liberate you and take away so much weight from your shoulders, from your heart. You will also learn how to cut energetic cords with persons and circumstances. Transforming these dense energies into a fresh start, into ecstasy

The Taoist and Tantric Breath Ceremony.
You will learn how to breath in a harmonious way that generates more energy throughout your body and mind. Most people breath very shallow and put their lives on a poisonous diet. This ceremony will teach you how to connect yourself with your core, how to reconnect yourself with the ‘chi’ energy, the divine flow of abundance and love. We will also use the breathing ceremony to tune into our spiritual body and reconnect ourselves with our core.

Learn how to raise your vibrational frequency.
Will be another key point during this seminar and forms part of the essence of Taoist and Tantric Teachings. You will be invited to go deeper throughout every encounter with yourself and all participants. How to tune into these higher vibrations is a process where you will release old histories that no longer serve in order to feel free and flow into these divine energies.

How to live happier and healthier.
Life will never be the same after this residential tantric seminar.

You are all very welcome. To share and to experience what you really are.
A Being of pure light and love.


Monday July 17th till Monday July 24th, 2023

8 days all inclusive –
Early bird reservation until June 15th – 1400€
After June 15th – 1550€

Request booking & ask questions:

Personal Ceremonies

Find out more, ask questions and book your own personal ceremony...

The Shaktipat Massage

Ceremony with Lucas

This tantric shaktipat massage is unique in all its aspects and opens the biggest gateway to full body bliss.

This tantric massage is unique in all its aspects and opens the biggest gateway to full body bliss.

In tantra we honor, see and feel the body as a sacred temple which opens doors to pleasure and ecstatic experiences beyond our imagination.

This intimate massage can be one of the most powerful healing tools and invite all your bodies into a life changing de-armoring. Transforming old blockages into a new and fresh flow of love and light.

In addition to this profound and sacred healing aspect, it can open a door to the most ecstatic feelings of pure bliss.

Allow waves of happiness to fill your entire body.

~2 hours – 120€

Request booking & ask questions:

Tao & Tantric Body

Ceremony with Lucas

Do you want to let go of old wounds, frustrations and blockages that make life hard and complicated?

What is de-armoring?
It is to remove the ‘iron’ shield in different parts of our body in order to restore the free flow of loving energies.

The armor, like a layer of ‘insensitive’ tissue, we have in our bodies is a result of blockages created by trauma, tension, thought-patterns and different experiences throughout life, or even previous lives.

Our body is protecting itself from more emotional damage and shuts that part of itself off in order to feel less pain. That way certain parts of our body will be covered with a layer of ‘concrete’.  This also means that the armor can hinder life-force from flowing freely throughout the body. It hardens and desensitizes the physical body, and since the emotions are locked inside, it can also cloud the mind and make it difficult to navigate through life. Life becomes a hard and dense path instead of a playful and joyful experience every day.

In short, de-armoring is a way to open up and release this armor.

This way it opens you to a more sensitive and loving lifestyle where energies can flow freely and you will be able to enjoy life at its fullest.

What happens during a de-armoring ceremony?
A de-armoring ceremony is like a deep trigger point massage, putting enough pressure on various points on the body to release physical, emotional and mental tensions. Therefore trust between the person who gives and receives is very important. The points that can be worked on are most of the time external. Internal work is only done when you are very comfortable with it. Each session is special and unique, an open and loving communication will bring out the best possible support for the release of old trauma, tension and dense thought-patterns.

~3 hours – 180€

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Tao & Tantric Yoni

Ceremony with Lucas

This intimate ceremony can be so life changing just because we keep so much pain in this most sensitive part of our body.

What is de-armoring?
It is to remove the ‘iron’ shield in different parts of our body in order to restore the free flow of loving energies.

The armor, like a layer of ‘insensitive’ tissue, we have in our bodies is a result of blockages created by trauma, tension, thought-patterns and different experiences throughout life, or even previous lives.

Our body is protecting itself from more emotional damage and shuts that part of itself off in order to feel less pain. That way certain parts of our body will be covered with a layer of ‘concrete’.  This also means that the armor can hinder life-force from flowing freely throughout the body. It hardens and desensitizes the physical body, and since the emotions are locked inside, it can also cloud the mind and make it difficult to navigate through life. Life becomes a hard and dense path instead of a playful and joyful experience every day.

In short, de-armoring is a way to open up and release this armor.

This way it opens you to a more sensitive and loving lifestyle where energies can flow freely and you will be able to enjoy life at its fullest.

The most profound blockages are to found in the genital area because so many women and men have been hurt in this very intimate part of their emotional and physical body.

Please contact me for more details and practical advice in order to find out if a yoni de-armoring will be helpful for you.

3+ hours – 210€

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"I felt loved, cared for, protected and desired, unique, beautiful, full of life, an extraordinary woman, lover, mother, spouse. It felt like making divine love to a man, feeling as a woman that is loved and desired, with unconditional love, pure and true. Time stood still: where I thought it were minutes, it turned out to be hours."
Jen Martin
"After the third day of receiving this “de-armoring” my conscience has changed. Nothing matters … everything loses value .. I think the ‘rooms’ that were touched in the “disarmament,” are still active .. Now I am feeling the cleanliness in them. Hence, nothing matters and everything loses importance... I feel such calm."
Juan Vegas


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